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*Catasetum 5-Pack*
Save over 20% on this pack of new Catasetum hybrids!
Save $26 on these five new Catasetum hybrids! Included in this week's 5-Pack is a Clowesetum JEM's Speckled Russ, a Catasetum gladiatorum x semicirculatum, a Catasetum tigrinum x Orchidglade, a Catasetum Joseito's Dark Phoenix, and a Catasetum David and Lee XOXO.
Click the links above for more information about these five new Catasetum hybrids. Pictured are some of the first examples of the hybrids to bloom.
Click the links above for more information about these five new Catasetum hybrids. Pictured are some of the first examples of the hybrids to bloom.
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