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- *Cattleya Mystery 5-Pack*
- *Cymbidium 4-Pack*
- *Mini-Vanda Mystery 4-Pack*
- *Paphiopedilum 3 Pack*
- Aerangis modesta x Aerangis Elro
- Aerides houlletiana
- Bc. Gulfshore's Beauty x Lime Sherbet
- Bc. Keowee 'Mendenhall' AM/AOS
- Bc. Morning Glory
- Bc. Richard Mueller x B. perrinii
- Bc. Yellow Bird
- Bct. Thonburi
- Brassavola Adrian Hamilton
- Brassavola Crazyarachno x perrinii
- Bulbophyllum bicolor
- Bulbophyllum blaoense
- Bulbophyllum Crownpoint
- Bulbophyllum Dolores Smith x longissimum
- Bulbophyllum echinolabium (2104)
- Bulbophyllum echinolabium x Lindsey Paris
- Bulbophyllum Emly Siegerist
- Bulbophyllum falcatum
- Bulbophyllum Fascination
- Bulbophyllum Florida Ribbons
- Bulbophyllum frostii - Colchicine Treated
- Bulbophyllum frostii x macrobulbum
- Bulbophyllum grandiflorum 'Crystelle' FCC/AOS x self
- Bulbophyllum Jan Ragan x facetum
- Bulbophyllum Khoon Meng
- Bulbophyllum Lacey Newton
- Bulbophyllum laxiflorum
- Bulbophyllum lobbii 'Kathy's Gold' AM/AOS
- Bulbophyllum macrobulbum 'Magnifico' AM/AOS x self
- Bulbophyllum Meen Poison Raspberry
- Bulbophyllum Nelson Viera
- Bulbophyllum ocellatum
- Bulbophyllum odoratissimum
- Bulbophyllum orthosepalum
- Bulbophyllum pingtungense
- Bulbophyllum romyi
- Bulbophyllum rothschildianum 'Crystelle's Ruby'
- Bulbophyllum thiurum
- Bulbophyllum Tree Frog
- Catasetum David and Lee XOXO
- Catasetum Francisco Berrios Gines
- Catasetum Jamie Lawson XOXO
- Catasetum Joseito's Dark Phoenix
- Catasetum Melana Davison x Cataseum ivaneae
- Catasetum Melana Davison x Dentigrianum
- Catasetum Millie's Frilly Dragon x Dagny
- Catasetum Penang x Chuck Taylor
- Catasetum pileatum
- Catasetum pileatum f. imperiale x alba
- Catasetum Richie Moran
- Catasetum sanguineum x Catasetum tenebrosum
- Catasetum tigrinum x Orchidglade
- Catasetum Tommy Bednar
- Cattleya aclandiae x Brabantiae
- Cattleya Angel Eyes x Ctt. Orchidglade
- Cattleya Anta f. coerulea (1805)
- Cattleya Aurora's Newyears Gift
- Cattleya Beaumesnil
- Cattleya Brabantiae x schilleriana
- Cattleya Caudebec x Benin
- Cattleya Comets Tail x Mareeba Tiger
- Cattleya Cruella (1724) - Colchicine Treated
- Cattleya Cruella (1735) - Colchicine Treated
- Cattleya Dominiana
- Cattleya dowiana
- Cattleya Dubiosa x Beaufort
- Cattleya Exotic Beaufort
- Cattleya Femme Fatale
- Cattleya Hardyana (19103) - Colchicine Treated
- Cattleya Lacey Michelle Matherne (1765)
- Cattleya lawrenceana x rupestris
- Cattleya Leoloddiglossa x Little Leopard
- Cattleya Little Dipper x Rosie's Surprise
- Cattleya Loddiglossa
- Cattleya lueddemanniana 'Crystelle's Pink' x Cassie's Delight' FCC/AOS
- Cattleya lueddemanniana 'Krull's Blue Moon' x ' Cassie's Delight' FCC/AOS
- Cattleya lueddemanniana 'Krull's Shapely' x Cassie's Delight' FCC/AOS
- Cattleya Mahalo Jack
- Cattleya Mareeba Tiger (4n)
- Cattleya Mari's Magic
- Cattleya Measuresiana (2035)
- Cattleya Measuresiana (2n)
- Cattleya Mr. Bojangles
- Cattleya Mrs. Mahler x Ctt. Chocolate Drop
- Cattleya Nancy Jane Losgar
- Cattleya Pacavia (1715C)
- Cattleya Pacavia (1741C)
- Cattleya Peckaviensis
- Cattleya Peckaviensis (2020)
- Cattleya Pittiae (KSSA1753)
- Cattleya Princesse Clementine x Mark Jones
- Cattleya Ronald Fonseca
- Cattleya schilleriana (KSSA1751)
- Cattleya Small World x Bc. Richard Mueller
- Cattleya Sweet Cream
- Cattleya tenebrosa x Rlc. Carolina Splendor
- Cattleya tigrina ('Paul' AM/AOS x 'SVO Dark Wonder')
- Cattleya tigrina ('SVO Prince' x 'Bill's Favorite Ladies')
- Cattleya tigrina x Mr Bojangles
- Cattleya Tokyo Magic x Rth. Circle of Love
- Cattleya Virginia's Eyes
- Cattleya walkeriana
- Cattleya walkeriana f. semi-alba 'Tokyo #1' AM/AOS
- Cattleya Zip
- Caularthron bicornutum
- Clowesetum Amazing Grace
- Clowesetum Black Jade x Ctsm. expansum
- Clowesetum JEM's Speckled Russ
- Clowesetum Sandy Kasner x Ctsm. expansum
- Clowesia dodsoniana x Catasetum expansum
- Clowesia Grace Dunn x Catasetum Leto Correa
- Clowesia russelliana x Ctsm. Frilly Doris
- Clowesia thylaciochila x Catasetum tigrinum
- Clowesia thylaciochila x Clowesia russeliana
- Ctt. Candy Corn
- Ctt. Chocolate Drop
- Ctt. Jupiter Drops
- Ctt. Koolau Treat
- Ctt. Mary Cash's Exquisite
- Ctt. Naranja en Flor
- Ctt. Orchidglade x C. Tropical Song
- Ctt. Panache Amphora
- Ctt. Tropical Aurora
- Ctt. Tropical Aurora
- Ctt. Wamiyeta Ocana
- Cymbidium floribundum x Mem. Amelia Earhart
- Cymbidium Geno's Gem 'Emerald Fire' FCC/AOS
- Cymbidium Jacqueline Hatfield
- Cymbidium madidum 'SB'
- Cymbidium Tagami's Special (2034)
- Cymbidium Tagami's Special (2044)
- Dendrobium amabile
- Dendrobium aphyllum 'Crystelle'
- Dendrobium discolor
- Dendrobium farmeri
- Dendrobium lasianthera
- Dendrobium Rosy Custer
- Dossinia marmorata var. dayii
- Enanthleya Tiny Magic
- Encyclia Orchid Jungle 'Dale' AM/AOS
- Gift Card
- Holcoglossum Sirnach's Purple Shell
- Ludisia discolor
- Ludisia discolor 'Dark Form'
- Mcv. Mini Fox
- Paphiopedilum haynaldianum
- Paphiopedilum hirsutissimum var. esquirolei frm. album x sib
- Paphiopedilum Hsinying Anita
- Paphiopedilum Koko-Fare
- Paphiopedilum Krull's Spice
- Paphiopedilum Lady Rothschild
- Paphiopedilum Lawless Sandchild x sanderianum
- Paphiopedilum Melissa Nielsen
- Paphiopedilum Night Song
- Paphiopedilum Prince Edward of York x Hung Sheng Eagle
- Paphiopedilum Prince Edward of York x sanderianum
- Paphiopedilum Red in Flight x Rory Jones
- Paphiopedilum Robert Berry
- Paphiopedilum spicerianum
- Paphiopedilum Wossner Black Wings
- Pcv. Key Lime Stars
- Pda. Grand Fragrance
- Pda. Kyra Green 'Minghus' AM/AOS
- Pda. Omar Padron 'Galaxy' AM/AOS
- Pda. Paksorn Fragrance x Mimi Palmer
- Phalaenopsis bellina x Germaine Vincent
- Phalaenopsis Bentley's Star
- Phalaenopsis Hiroshima Tetratris
- Phalaenopsis Jennifer Palermo x Mainshow Blue Elf
- Phalaenopsis Jordon Winter
- Phalaenopsis Jordon Winter (2196)
- Phalaenopsis Judy's Envy
- Phalaenopsis KS Blue Ludde x Mainshow Magic
- Phalaenopsis lueddemanniana x KS Blue Ludde
- Phalaenopsis Mainshow Blue Elf x Mainshow Blue Tint
- Phalaenopsis Mainshow Blue Elf x Norman's Blue Jennifer
- Phalaenopsis Mainshow Blue Sparrow x Mainshow Blue Tint
- Phalaenopsis Mainshow Blue Tint x Mituo Princess
- Phalaenopsis Mainshow Blue Wave x Mituo Princess
- Phalaenopsis Mainshow Hiero x Lioulin Blue Eagle
- Phalaenopsis Mainshow Magic x Norman's Blue Jennifer
- Phalaenopsis Mini Mark 'Maria Theresa'
- Phalaenopsis Mituo Prince
- Phalaenopsis Mituo Reflex Dragon x lueddemanniana
- Phalaenopsis MS Magic Dragon
- Phalaenopsis Norman's Blue Jennifer x Mainshow Blue Elf
- Phalaenopsis Norman's Blue Jennifer x Mainshow Blue Wave
- Phalaenopsis Norman's Blue Jennifer x Mainshow Magic
- Phalaenopsis Norman's Blue Jennifer x Pylo's Blue Smile
- Phalaenopsis schilleriana ('Jim Krull' x 'Jordon Winter')
- Phalaenopsis Smiley Bluebird x Mituo Princess
- Phalaenopsis Smiley Bluebird x Norman's Blue Jennifer
- Phalaenopsis WG Bluebird Reflex
- Phalaenopsis Winter's First Frost
- Phalaenopsis Yaphon Hsiangor 'MS Yellow'
- Phalaenopsis Yaphon Love Song 'Yellow #2'
- Phalaenopsis Yaphon Lover x Mainshow Happy Bee
- Phalaenopsis Yungho Gelb Canary x Mituo Purple Dragon
- Phytosanitary Certificate
- Rby. Golden Tang
- Rechingerara Smart Lady
- Rhynchodenia Magic Wand
- Rhyncholaelia Aristocrat
- Rhyncholaelia digbyana (1739) - Colchicine Treated
- Rhyncholaelia glauca (alba)
- Rhynchostylis coelestis (blue)
- Rhynchostylis coelestis (pink)
- Rhynchostylis coelestis f. alba (white)
- Rhynchostylis gigantea Pink
- Rhynchovola David Sanders
- Rlc. Aaron Webb
- Rlc. Akawel x C. Virginia Dickey
- Rlc. Apopka Splendor
- Rlc. Candy Flare
- Rlc. Carolina Splendor x Seagull's Apricot
- Rlc. Drew Simon Smith 'Krull's Envy' FCC/AOS, GM/WOC19
- Rlc. Exotic Circle of Life
- Rlc. Galactic Glow
- Rlc. Heaven's Gate 'Crystelle' FCC/AOS
- Rlc. John Cameron Oberlin
- Rlc. Little Magician
- Rlc. Little Toshie x Rth. Magic Guess
- Rlc. Mark's Valentine
- Rlc. Melencia de los Santos
- Rlc. Theresa Hill 'Krull-Smith', AM/AOS
- Rlc. Toshie Aoki 'Starburst' AM/AOS
- Rth. Carolina Orange D'or x Love Passion
- Rth. Charlotte Sometimes
- Rth. Cosmo-Sound
- Rth. Erica J. Gonzalez Bonilla
- Rth. Exotic Coral
- Rth. Forbidden Love
- Rth. Georgia Peach x Ctt. Spring Fires
- Rth. Golden Ice Cream FCA
- Rth. Guess What x Dean's Gold
- Rth. Hawaiian Discovery x Ctt. Spring Fires
- Rth. Hawaiian Discovery x Love Passion
- Rth. Izumi Charm x C. Angel Eyes
- Rth. Jane Pierce x Rlc. Mem. Alida Laboy
- Rth. Kaboom x Rth. Love Sound
- Rth. Krull's Cherokee
- Rth. Love Passion x Gcy. Kyoguchi
- Rth. Magic Guess x Martha Clarke
- Rth. Martha Clarke
- Rth. Martha's Charm x C. Tokyo Magic
- Rth. Mary Vaux Walcott
- Rth. Mem. Geri Male
- Rth. Nobile's Ambar
- Rth. Orange Nugget x Guess What
- Rth. Rosella's Lovely Sunset
- Rth. Rubescent Magic x Mem. Alida Laboy
- Rth. Sara Wolf
- Rth. Star Fire x Rlc. Mem. Alida Laboy
- Rth. Toshie's Charm
- Rth. Volcano Prince
- Rth. What About Love
- Seidenfadenia mitrata (Pink)
- Tolumnia Jairak Firm 'Brown Derby'
- Van. Freckles
- Van. Lou Sneary
- Van. Lou Sneary x Vanda lilacina
- Vanda /Neofinetia falcata
- Vanda Chantra
- Vanda Cherry Blossom x christensoniana
- Vanda Chulee Classic
- Vanda Dave's Flying Crane
- Vanda falcata (Kaiomaru)
- Vanda garayi
- Vanda Green Light
- Vanda Haad Song-Khla x Red Devil
- Vanda Muang Thong
- Vanda Noppadol Delight 'Thailand' AM/AOS
- Vanda Peaches
- Vanda Thonglor x sanderiana
- Vanda vietnamica x Vanda (Green Light x Twinkle)
- Vandachostylis Kedah Bella
- Awards Initiative for Krull-Smith Breeding!
- The Apopka International Fall Orchid Festival
- The Apopka International Spring Orchid Festival
- The Apopka International Winter Orchid Festival
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