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Phalaenopsis Jordon Winter

Phalaenopsis Citrus Candy × Phalaenopsis Krull's Red Bird

These have been a long time coming! Phal. Jordon Winter first received an Award of Quality (AQ/AOS) from the American Orchid Society in 2018 for showing off wonderfully full and vibrantly colored red flowers. Here is a sib cross between two fantastic Phal. Jordon Winter siblings, Phal. Jordon Winter 'AQ Group' and Phal. Jordon Winter 'Ft. Lauderdale'. Phal. Jordon Winter 'AQ Group' is a wonderfully dark red, well formed, and fragrant cultivar with excellent branching on the inflorescence to give you as high of a flower count as possible! Phal. Jordon Winter 'Ft. Lauderdale' comes with some of the largest and fullest flowers of the grex and a sweeter fragrance than the other sibling. We hope to see branching inflorescences with large, dark red, fragrant flowers that can also range into the orange tones on compact growing plants that often show off a red blush in the leaves. The first picture is one of the parents, the second picture is two of our favorites to bloom of the grex. Plants are near flowering size in 3" pots.
Price: $35.00
In stock
SKU:  KS-PHAL91-3"

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