Vanda falcata x Vanda (testacea x Prema Indigahawela)
We're going to have some fun with this little group! Well, to give you the condensed version, this hybrid will put out multiple tall, many-flowered, yellow to orange flowers that will flower multiple times per year. The plants should clump readily meaning they'll keep increasing their flower count exponentially. Plants are flowering size in 3" pots.
We know V. falcata tends to give us many inflorescences a few times a year and tends to clump really nicely, but it's the other parent that may be more of an unkown. V. Prema Indigahawela is V. miniata x V. testacea, and we know V. miniata give us a wonderfully bright orange flower, and again clumps very easily. V. testacea on the other hand will drastically increase the flower count and add the possibility for a blue tinged lip. So the end result brings us compact/miniature vandas that clump up easily, flower often when mature, and have a lot of flowers per inflorescence. Looking forward to watching these grow up!